The terrible assumption of an aviation accident. The reason why the pilot did not catch up


According to Sorin Stoicescu, an aviation specialist, the deceased pilot on Saturday reportedly refused a catapult in time to avoid a tragedy, writes Mediafax.

Saturday's aviation incident at the Borcea base, where Florin Rotaru lost his life after being collapsed with a MiG 21 LanceR, could have turned into a real disaster if the army be catapulted in time to save his life.

This theory belongs to Sorin Stoicescu, former head of civil aviation in Romania. "Pilots are very well trained in such situations and their education is very strict. They are not allowed to storm and risk the plane to reach the public. I guess the pilot did not want to be catapulted to avoid a tragedy, "Sorin Stoicescu told the MEDIAFAX Agency

saying there are very strict regulations at air shows, where airplanes can not fly. the area where the public is, but often, planes, especially the hunt, can go there because of their very high speed.

A MiG-21 Lancer aircraft collapsed on Borcea Air Base The pilot died

A MIG 21 Lancer aircraft collapsed at the base of Borcea.The accident occurred at a rally of 39, aviation to which nearly 4,000 people attended.The plane fell to 10 km from the air base, near the Fetesti taxi station.The pilot of the aircraft did not survive

Florin Rotaru was 36 years old, two children, and was at the head of 861 Fighter Squadron. From the incident, a criminal case was opened and all the flight instructions concerning this type of aircraft came to an end until the investigation was completed

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