The traffic police will file a criminal complaint against Florin Roman Deputy


" I want to understand, but I can not, why do road policemen oppose the pre-deployment of radars as a means of prevention? Just because it disappears? Just because I can not stand the panda anymore … Just because they can not be arrogant anymore … Yesterday, we traveled about 500 km in Italy On all preloaded radars, drivers slow down and avoid accidents and fines. 2000 people are dying today on the roads of gentlemen? Is it good? Hunting and death? Will it never push the large number of dead on the roads, the fact that instead of prevent, you lose sight of and people die in accidents? wrote the deputy on facebook

The traffic police and the police union believe that the police's honor was severely affected by the politician's claims and punish him in court. former road policeman Marian Godine reacts harshly against MP Florin Roman.

"Following the appearance in the public space of a post on the social network of MP Florin Roman, by which he violates the honor and prestige of the Romanian police using words and expressions offensive to all police, classifying them as "fools", the Romanian Police Group of the Road, through the National Police and the Contractual Union, analyzes the possibility of submitting to the prosecutor the competence of a criminal complaint against the Deputy Florin Roman, for committing the offense provided for and punished by Article 296 of the Penal Code. the possibility of submitting to the competent court an action concerning the denigration of Romanian police personnel, using in the public sphere expressions or remarks prejudicial to the honor and dignity of the police "according to Mediafax

Dumitru Coarnă deposits person the criminal complaint

The head of the National Union of Police and Contractual Personnel of Romania, Dumitru Coarnă, will personally file the criminal complaint to the prosecutor's office on Monday. Traffic unions and police officers publicly ask the Romanian police leadership to delimit statements of the Romanian deputy

Knowing that he will be brought to justice, MP Florin Roman responded on Facebook saying that the Threat of a lawsuit is timely. About the police

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