The two assets by which the generation 2018 iPhone could put the competition in difficulty


More dynamic than ever in recent years, the Android phone market is launching innovations in tapes: hidden retractable cameras when they are not in use, screens all over the carcass surface, sensor sensor fingerprints hidden under the screen, sound played through a screen glass, dual-screen phones, faster wireless charging, and the list can continue. Meanwhile, Apple is focusing on the capitalization of the iPhone series.

At the risk of being ridiculed by Android fans, Apple engineers seem to be focusing on practical innovations and less on extravagant endowments. According to the latest rumors, the iPhone 2018 series will focus on the introduction and improvement of dual SIM card support and processor performance improvements

Up to now, no iPhone has dual SIM functionality, so the inclusion of this feature could be well received by Apple's fans. However, the implementation may differ from one region to the other. So if in regions like China's new iPhone models will have a SIM card that allows the installation of two cards, the version for the United States could keep the configuration with a single SIM card slot. Instead, Apple will equip every iPhone with an Apple SIM card, letting users choose whether to use it or not.

Another benefit that most iPhone users will appreciate is the Apple A12 chipset, the most advanced that the solution delivered last year on the iPhone X and with a consumption of 39. lower energy. The new iPhone models will also be helped with 4GB of RAM, leaving more flexibility for multitasking.

Unfortunately, at the lower price range, the 2018 iPhone series might not benefit from too much innovation. According to rumors up to now, Apple will launch an iPhone model with LCD. Addressing low-budget buyers, it gets a "recycled" configuration after last year's iPhone specifications

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