The US Embassy criticizes a draft amnesty tax approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


The US Embassy in Moldova on Thursday criticized the draft law approved by the Parliament of Chişinău on tax amnesty, warning that the regulation would justify fraud and corruption, according to the website. Information

  The American Embassy criticizes a project of tax amnesty approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

The US Embassy criticizes an approved tax amnesty project by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova approved in first reading on tax amnesty. The project will allow individuals to report their property that was previously in the possession of other people or their estimated value. "The US Embassy is extremely disappointed by the adoption of legislation that will diminish Moldova's ability to fight money laundering." The Law on Voluntary Disclosure and Tax Incitement (also called Capital Amnesty Law) legitimizes theft and corruption and will damage the business climate of the Republic of Moldova.We believe that this law is in contradiction with the commitments taken by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and shared by the international development partners of Moldova. "

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