The White House denies that Donald Trump believes that Russia has more anti-American actions – International


The White House said Wednesday night that US President Donald Trump did not deny that Russia would have anti-US actions, noting that the US leader had responded negatively to journalists' requests to ask questions, the website reported. Reuters.

US President Donald Trump said Wednesday afternoon that Moscow had stopped its actions against the United States, although the US secret service points out that Russian interference continues, the leader of the White House emphasizing that He had the toughest approach. Russia. Asked by journalists at the White House, if Russia still has actions against the United States, Donald Trump replied: "No.

But the US presidency says that there is a misunderstanding. "The president answered" no "in the sense that she does not answer the questions," said Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman

"The President and the Administration are making efforts for Russia to engage no more US President Donald Trump said Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin was not involved in the US elections, according to Mediafax

said Tuesday the US President Donald Trump, in a press conference that he meant in Helsinki that he saw no reason why Russia was not the one who was involved in the US elections, but that the actions of Russia were not Had no impact on the election results in 2016. He also pointed out that he accepted the conclusions of the Secret Service on the involvement of Russia in the elections.Last, but not least, point , the chief of the United States says that s one administration will work "aggressively" to reject any effort of interference in the elections of 2018.

Trump told reporters at the Oval Bureau press conference that it's been wrong understood and he has full confidence and support for the US secret service, and has accepted their findings that Russia has mixed in the elections.

The US leader also said that America has never had a worse relationship with Russia, but that it has improved and that it could still be better in the future.

US President Donald Trump finds himself isolated Tuesday, even in his political camp, after a European tour that seemed disastrous to him by returning his European allies and seemed to give credit to the leader of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin

An avalanche of comments negative came from Congressmen and geopolitical experts, ranging from "surrealist" to "traitor", "embarrassing", "antipatriotic" or "shameful".

Adopt a conciliatory tone to Putin, and still question the justice and secret service of America, which concluded that there was Russian interference in the 2016 elections, Trump managed to conspire even Congressional Republicans who usually do not publicly criticize the president.

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