The wreck of a Russian warship on which gold was found was found


If the vessel found at the bottom of the sea is really the cruiser of Dmitry Donskoi, belonging to the Russian Imperial Navy, there could be 200 tons of gold bullion worth 130 billion dollars [19659002] The ship sank 113 years ago in a naval battle with Japanese troops. It was discovered more than 400 meters deep, about 1.5 kilometers, off the South Korean island of Ulleungdo.

The team that discovered the wreckage consisted of: Experts from South Korea, the United Kingdom, and Canada used two crew submersibles to capture images of the one -this.

Surprising images show that the ship suffered heavy damage after meeting with Japanese warships in May 1905. There are also several guns, weapons, anchors and wheels of ships

Shinil group in Seoul, who headed the ship's research expedition, hopes to remove it in October or November. According to international law, half of the treasure found on board will be handed over to the Russian government, according to the company, while 10% of the rest will be invested in tourism projects on the island of Ulleungdo, including a museum dedicated to the ship.

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