The young actors on the starting line of Gala Hop, under the sign of Pirandello. Who are the winners of the preselection?


I understood last year, while watching Gala Hop, how long it takes for a few minutes of show ready to be presented to a jury and to an audience – a huge effort that becomes d & # 39; 39 as much more pressing as emotions grow competitor off the stage, a lesser moment to your number. And the emotions are varied: jury, lack of experience, colleagues and colleagues, friends.

However, up to the emotions of the hops gala that matter a lot to those who come to act, they must handle the presets. Friday, I saw nervous people, fingers on the chairs, breathing noisily, waiting for their turn, seeing people watching their frowning, their huge eyes, their colleagues on the stage, and seeing people who, at outside, practiced choreography, detached groups discussing their benefits and the benefits of others.

Six Figures and an Accordion

When the TNB's Petit Hall scene was illuminated Friday afternoon for another time, prepared by a graduate of the UNATC , a few moments was a quiet wait. But the competitor appeared from the audience, rising in the breath of a wide accordion on his chest. Ada Dumitru (photo: right) began to say that he had read Pirandello, but he did not understand anything, so he remained singing, voice and accordion. Ada Dumitru makes us laugh and then pause, because suddenly, in the same body, several characters "looking for an author", with passes of energy and almost insensitive, come true quickly [19659002] To attract attention without many words

The characters of Pirandello are afraid of becoming simple puppets, but it can be said that a competitor of hops, Cătălin Nicolau he played (and danced) as he wanted. Nicolau looks like an actor who is not afraid to laugh, and if he is, he hides it very well. With precise expressions and movements, he did not need words to conquer the audience, and when he used them, he did not disappoint. When he finished his time (full of glory with his face full of cake), this competitor sparked new laughs asking for help – and being ignored – by props.

A moment that almost instantly the people present at TNB Friday realized that it would be very much the show "Suicidal" of the group section played by Norbert Boda, Alex Macavei, Bogdan Ujeniuc, Maria Teishanu and Andrei Han ( photo: right) graduates from Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Cluj proves almost every year that he is able to work in an extraordinary team, often congratulated by his colleagues from Bucharest.

Last year, actors Cosmin Stanila, Irina Sibef, Nicole Burlacu, Alexandru Mihai Popa and Radu Dogaru were applauded and tripled in Costinesti for the performance "Why Anton Pavlovich Cehov?" An adaptation of the text "The Chekhov Machine", by Matei Visniec. This year, Boda, Macavei, Ujeniuc, Teishanu and Han came to show the beauty and art of suicide, at a time that combined rap with Pirandello's new lyrics of "Tales of Suicide": "And two "" By yourself ";" Fool "" While the heart has suffered. "

" We are not here to glorify suicide, we are here to show you its beauty, its art, we do not mean that suicide is the answer, but it's one of the answers "one of the most charismatic candidates of this edition, and the" driver "of Mass-Suicide Characters Although I have not seen any other competitors in the group category, it's not hard to realize that Suicidal has great odds in Costinesti, being the best. 39, one of the shows that passed the preselection.

The winners of the Gale Hop 2018 Preselection

The p Resolutions of the HOP Gala have staged brave actors who had a difficult and paradoxical mission: to leave dominated by the spirit of Pirandellor and, at the same time, encompass this spirit. In the individual category, those who passed the preselections are: Cătălin Asanache, "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca of Theatrical and Cinematographic Art ILCaragiale "Bucharest Norbert Boda Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Nadina Cîmpianu, " Babeş-Bolyai "University of Cluj-Napoca ] Ada Dumitru, University National Theater and Cinematographic Art "ILCaragiale" Bucharest, Tiberiu Enache, George Enescu University of Arts Iasi. , Maria Teodora Filip, National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "ILCaragiale" Bucharest, Alice-Cora Mihalache National University of Theater and Cinematography "ILCaragiale" Claudia Moroşanu, "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Cătălin Nicolau, National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "ILCaragiale" "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Alexandru Mihai Popa, Napoca, Dan Pughineanu, "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Andreea Tanase, Maria Teişanu Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj -Napoca, Beatrice Rubică, National University of Theater and Art Cinematographic "ILCaragiale" Bucharest

] the three winning shows are: "Suicidal"; "Now, improvise!" after "Astust improvised evening " by Luigi Pirandello, of Theatrical and Cinematographic Art "ILCaragiale" Bucharest and Andrei Nedelea graduated from the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, Department of Theatrical Art; "Schist" after "The Flower in the Mouth" by Luigi Pirandello, Radu Catană graduated from the "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca and Adrian Loghin graduated from the National University of Theater and Cinematography "ILCaragiale" of Bucharest

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