The young woman, seriously injured in the accident on the first day of the year, died after being hospitalized for seven months


Alina Fekete, the 32-year-old girl who was seriously injured on the first day of the year, after the death of an officer of the Sintandrei Border Police, resigned Thursday after more than seven month

"We will not forget you once, you will remain in our heart and soul for ever, I wish you had a good, angelic, heartfelt condolence to the family," Laviniu Lup, one of those who was with the young woman, wrote on Facebook

Alina will be buried on Saturday, July 7 at the Hasas Chapel, in the municipal cemetery. (19659002) The accident occurred on the morning of January 1, at the roundabout near Faist Mekatronic, after the driver of a VW Passat did not adapt the speed to the entrance to the roundabout, and

The young man, Silviu Florin Daraban, 35, was a border police officer, was living in Senandrei and died, and Alina arrived at the hospital in a very serious state. She was trapped between the folded beasts of the car, being abducted by the ISU Crişana fire brigades



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