Theresa May says Donald Trump advised her to sue the EU in the context of Brexit


US President Donald Trump urged Britain not to bargain on Brexit, but to pursue the European Union, said British Prime Minister Theresa May

Donald Trump said at a press conference held in London with Theresa May on Friday given to the Prime Minister British suggestion that he considered too "brutal".

Asked by the BBC in an interview, which was the suggestion, Theresa May said on Sunday: "He told me that I should yield to L & # 39; 39 EU said: "Sue the EU, do not go to the negotiations, pursue it!" "

According to The Sun, Donald Trump criticized Theresa May's plan in negotiations with Brussels over Brexit, considering that this approach would block any future deal The White House leader claims that Theresa May ignored his advice in a harsh approach to negotiations with the EU, heading "in the opposite direction."

] Donald Trump denied in London that he was criticizing Theresa Can in an interview with The Sun, naming information leaked by the British tabloid as "fake news." "I have not criticized the Prime Minister." The news broadcast by The Sun was "general "but good", but they did not include the "major issues" I reported about Theresa May. "Fortunately, we are recording the conversation now, so that you can listen to them (…) We record what we are talking about with the reporters, because this is false news," said Donald Trump

Theresa May comes from present a plan of action. negotiations with Brussels. The British government wants to secure a free trade zone between the United Kingdom and the European Union. British Brexit David Davis and British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigned in protest against the plan.

"If we sign such an agreement, we would prefer to work with the European Union.the UK, so a treaty (US-UKR) would probably be ruled out, and if they do, then probably the British will not agree with the United States, "said Donald Trump, according to the Sun. The Theresa May plan will definitely affect the commercial relations with the United States, unfortunately, there will be negative influences, we have enough difficulties with the European Union, we are now acting in the relationship with the European Union because they did not properly treat the United States commercial, "said Donald Trump, who imposed tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, including EU countries, and wants to limit imports of cars from the EU.Referencing to the statements of the former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who noted that Donald Trump would have an "extremely harsh" approach to negotiations on Brexit, the White House leader said: "He's right, I would have negotiated I really told Theresei May how to do it, but he was in disagree, he did not listen, he wanted I would go in another direction, I would say that it was going in the opposite direction, and it's okay. as he knows best, but it's bad what happens. "Asked about the possibility of abandoning negotiations when he had been involved in the Brexit proceedings, Trump said:" Absolutely, I think what is happening is a very unfortunate situation. "That takes too much of time, you know that the agreements are also negotiated (…) The agreement that he negotiates (Theresa is very different from the one who voted. is not agree to the referendum.I know that there have been a lot of resignations, so many people do not like that. "Donald Trump expressed doubts about Theresei's approach May at the Brexit question and at the NATO summit in Brussels. "I do not think this is the vote the British voted" in the referendum on the departure of the European Union. Despite criticism of the strategy adopted in the Brexit negotiations, Donald Trump insisted that he still believes that Theresa May is a "good person". "I have never said anything bad about it." "It's a good person, I think she's a good person, I'm really good."

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