Thousands of small mistakes by the government have caused many casualties in fires


Greek firefighters criticized rescue operations during the fires. Dimitris Stathopoulos, the head of the Federation of Fire Fighters, says the authorities were not prepared for the fires and they did not even apologize.

"Even though the government says that there have not been any major operational errors, that does not mean"

He added that firefighters have recommended that the company should not be able to do anything. evacuation of the area, but no one listened to them. In addition, the meteorological service did not expect the strong wind of 124 km / h. That is why many firefighters could not take off

"They could not take off with such a wind." If the weather service had issued a warning, the planes could have moved to another airport.

On Friday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras assumed political responsibility for the tragedy, but did not respond to the resignation requests of Niko Toskas, the Minister of Civil Protection, but other officials. Tsipras said that there was information indicating that the fire would have been caused.

On Saturday, the fire department fire department contradicted this theory, claiming that the fire was probably caused by a person, accidentally, trying to burn wood and branches. According to the daily Kathimerini, the identity of the person is known to the authorities

Stathopoulos admitted that the reduction in the budget has reduced by 30% the firefighters' ability to act

"About 15% of 1750 vans do not circulate 15% of us need parts that we do not allow.As a firefighter, we take an oath to protect people and their properties.We know when to recommend the evacuation of places but for one reason or another, our recommendations are not "

" Greek governments have a tradition of blaming piracyists, terrorists and even foreign agents, with such inflammatory allegations. "Officials are trying to 39, to avoid recognizing that they were not prepared and did not implement the necessary laws and security regulations, "said former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis 9659003] Two Deputy Mayors Marathon, the region most affected by the fires, resigned after stating that they were not letting their conscience stay at their posts. See also:

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