Ticks are attracted to a certain blood group


According to a study in the Czech Republic, people with a blood group A are more likely to be bitten by a tick. Ticks can transmit Lyme disease, also called 1000-sided disease due to multiple symptoms

In laboratory tests, researchers from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic took small blood samples from groups A, B, AB and 0 on a sterile surface where a common tick, Ixodes ricinus, was subsequently placed. After two minutes, the results showed that 36% of the ticks preferred the blood group A, while 15% of the parasites approached the group B.

"The study demonstrates that the blood type could be the same. one of the determinants of dietary preferences for Ixodes ricinus ticks The information obtained on the potential preference of ticks for certain blood groups can be used to reduce the risk of tick bites, "says researcher Alena Zakovska.

confirm this association and accurately determine if these arachnids prefer a certain blood group, but need to deepen these studies, scientists pointed out in Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine.

Ticks are usually a flat size, oval, of a sesame seed but when they feed on blood, they can reach the size and shape of a grain of Coffee

Tick bites can be dangerous. What you need to know:
1. Lyme disease can be easily recognized in the first stage
2. In the skin, centered on the point of attachment of the tick, occurring in a few days (3 to 30 days ) a rounded erythema, a reddish rash of variable size
3. Over time, it expands by centrifugation, increasing its surface.
4. It often has a characteristic point of target shooting, with a central red dot surrounded by an area of ​​clean skin, which is also surrounded by a red area that stretches out. . In most cases, erythema does not cause pruritus or pain but is warm to the touch.
5. At this stage, the infection may also include a pseudogripal syndrome manifesting as: fever, asthenia, fatigue, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes)
6. No treated, migraine erythema disappears within a few weeks

7. The new tick is Ixodes ricinus (the name is given by the characteristic "ricin bean")
8. All ticks do not bear Borelia (all people with a tickle will not develop loot)
9. The Borreliosis prevention involves the rapid extraction of ticks and the administration of antibiotics.
10. The extraction is preferably carried out by specialized personnel.
11. The drug is often administered at home up to 10-14 days.

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