<! – Toadorel Toader ->
According to Toadorel Toader, abuse in the service is not incriminated separately in the German Penal Code, in the context of the recent publication of an article on the page of the German Diplomatic Mission in Bucharest about it. in the service is not criminally discriminated in the German penal code! However, the quality of a public official or European appears to be an aggravating factor in the case of several offenses such as deception, fraud, breach of trust, intellectual forgery, falsification of technical records, falsification of evidence, coercion, bodily injury in the exercise of a public office, obtaining statements by force, prosecution of an innocent person, enforcement of a sanction against a innocent person, breach of trust in foreign affairs, breach of professional secrecy, breach of tax secrecy, determination of subordinates to commit a criminal offense, sexual abuse by abuse of power, etc. In addition, in the Criminal Code in Romania, there are concrete incriminated facts by which the official abuses his position, such as: abusive research, abusive behavior, intellectual forgery, etc. "
Toader wrote Saturday"
Recently, the Embassy of Germany in Bucharest informed that in this country the continuation of abuse of service is regulated by means of several sections of the tax legislation, of the Act Disciplinary and Penal Code
"In Germany, criminal proceedings for abuse of service are governed by several articles of the tax legislation, the disciplinary law and the Penal Code.Finals range from simple fines to disciplinary measures. and even considerable sentences with deprivation of liberty, "said a message posted on the Facebook page of the German Embassy in Bucharest.
On June 28, the US Embassy in Bucharest reported that "the countries important partners "call on Romania to consider" the potential negative impact of the amendments to the criminal law ". "
The United States supported this position with Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden
"We, international partners and allies of Romania, all parties involved in the amendment of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure avoid changes that would weaken the rule of law or the ability of Romania to take against crime and corruption. Romania has made considerable progress in the fight against corruption and the construction of an effective rule of law. We encourage Romanians to continue on this path, "said a press release from the diplomatic mission.
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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
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