Top 10 most powerful Android phones, according to the AnTuTu benchmark (June 2018 edition)


Cheap or powerful but expensive phones. For Android buyers, there is also a medium-term: choose an Asian flagship product that promises the expected full performance of a well-known brand product at a better price

Unlike the iOS camp, the top performance is only not an asset. privilege "reserved for those who want to accept the price with three zeros for a mobile phone Available on all models of smartphones, high-end chipsets like Snapdragon 845 appeared in devices from 360 euros (Xiaomi Mi 8), while providing performance at the level of the Galaxy S9, a

  • Xiaomi SHARK BLACK: 287759
  • NEW VIVO S: 284227
  • OnePlus 6: 282275
  • Xiaomi Mi 8

    : 273221 [19659003] Samsung Galaxy S9 case: 261918

  • Samsung Galaxy S9 case +: 262561
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S case: 262396
  • : 214580
  • The order was decided on the basis of the average score obtained with each device by analyzing at least 1000 results retrieved from users running the AnTuTu 7 performance test on their device in June 2018.

    However, it must be said that the upper rust indicates only the absolute performance level of the devices. without taking into account the factors that enhance the user experience. For example, a high-resolution display can improve the quality of the perceived image, but it has a negative impact on performance. The same can be said of optimizations made to increase performance to the detriment of energy consumption. A slightly faster smartphone in the benchmarks is not necessarily better if the battery does not handle a demanding use regime

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