Top 10 smartphone models that fail most often. See if your phone is also found | .MD PUBLICATION


Unfortunately, the purchase of a smartphone model of a renowned brand does not guarantee flawless operation. On the contrary, the products of one of the most popular companies, in fact, fail most often wrote

Given the large number of phones delivered, positioning Samsung in the first place of smartphone manufacturers with the highest defect rates is not a surprise, but the average of 34% of defective mobile phones is a source of concern

The Galaxy S7, the Galaxy S8 Plus and the Galaxy S7 Active are just a few of the often at the service center that this would be the case. In the top 10 smartphones with the highest failure rate in 2017, the Galaxy S7 Edge and the Galaxy S6 also arrive.

Despite the reputation of the manufacturer of indestructible phones Nokia today it is not the same the Nokia 6 having an above average failure rate, even though the number of phones sold and put into service, HMD Global ranks 7th in the rankings

Surprisingly, however, as a No. 8 ranked overall, none of Huawei's products entered the top 10. This shows that no Huawei models pose particular problems with the default rate

Divided into two categories, Android and iOS, the ranking marks the iPhone 6 as the weakest Apple phone, followed by the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus series

. followed by a malfunction of the camera and microphone In the camp in the case of Android Apple's problems with connectivity Bluetooth and Wi-F are the main concern of users, while the appearance of the performance did not even reach the top 10. ] The explanation is simple : Apple sells only high-end phones, while the Android platform covers all price categories

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