Top 5 movies with Rowan Atkinson


Rowan Atkinson, known as Mr. Bean, is considered one of the best comedians of all time. Here is a movie of the top 5.

1 The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Bean

This is an IMDB movie 9.0 which means that he promises a lot.

2 Blackadder Back & Forth

Lord Blacadder (Rowan Atkinson) wants to play a hoax to his New Year's friends and order the servant or to build a time machine after Da Vinci's plans. His idea was to get in the car of the time and go out with old objects, convincing them that he traveled on time and won the bet made with them. Only by mistake the construction of the servant or even can transport them in the past, and Lord Blackadder will benefit.

3 Love Actually

Love creates chaos for all of the above.
These events take place in London during Christmas and are told and filmed with a great deal of humor and romance, and with the bitter sweetness that all lucky or unlucky people live in when they are under the spell of the l '. love

4 Johnny English Reborn

Rowan Atkinson returns to the role of secret agent. who does not know fear and does not have a sense of danger in the comedy thriller spying Johnny English Reborn. In this new chapter, the least credible secret agent in the service of His Majesty must stop an international group of assassins before killing a world leader and thereby unleashing global chaos

5 Mr. Bean & # 39; s Holiday [19659004] On a rainy afternoon in England, Mr. Bean is happy to have won first prize at a raffle held at the local church. He won a trip to the south of France and a new video camera. He will be in Cannes during the famous festival.


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