Top 8 superfoods that make your hair shine – Diet & Fitness> Nutrition


Did you know that salmon, sweet potatoes and Greek yogurt should not be missing from your menu if you want healthy, shiny hair?

Include these foods in your diet because they contain substances known for the benefits that they bring to healthy hair. From your weekly menu, you should not lose salmon or other oily fish, Greek yogurts, spinach, sweet potatoes and many other simple foods, but with a big impact on your hair.

The 8 superfoods that make your hair shine

1. Salmon

Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are the best foods that make your hair shine because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The body can not produce these fats alone, so it is very important to take them food and supplements. In addition to helping to keep your hair healthy and shiny, salmon protects your heart against serious diseases.

2. Greek yogurt

It has a very high protein content which underlies a healthy and shiny hair. In addition, Greek yogurt also contains vitamin B5 (pantothenic), which stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and promotes its regeneration. Pantothenic acid is important for hair because it strengthens and prevents hair loss, so it is often used in all hair care products.

3. Spinach

All green leafy vegetables contain nutrients with multiple health benefits. According to experts, spinach is especially beneficial for your hair because it contains tons of vitamin A, iron, beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. It uses spinach as often as possible to prevent drying out of the hair. luminous.

4. Chicken

When you do not consume enough protein, your hair will suffer and it will not grow so quickly. Since it stays the same length, your hair will start to fall and worry about it. To get your protein from animal sources, it's best to opt for chicken or turkey that has less saturated fats than pork or beef.

5. Sweet potatoes

They have a high beta-carotene content which, when transformed into a body, turns into vitamin A. We already know how important this vitamin is for the health of the hair because it prevents the drying and scraping hair. This is also what encourages the glands to produce enough sebum to prevent hair from drying out, so you should include sweet potatoes in your menu as often as possible. Other good sources of beta-carotene are found in carrots, pumpkin, melon and mango.

6. Cinnamon

Use cinnamon on breakfast cereals, toast or coffee, as this is very good for the health of the hair. According to experts, cinnamon stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, so more oxygen is carried and the hair becomes stronger and brighter.

7. Eggs

The daily requirements of iron and protein are covered if you have the habit of eating eggs. It's a complete food that also contains biotin, a vitamin that stimulates hair growth and makes it shine. If there is a biotin deficiency in the body, the hair will suffer first because you will face its downfall. You have every reason to eat eggs regularly because they contain good fats for heart health as well as vitamins that protect your nails and hair.

8. Oysters

Although you can not consume them regularly, when you have the opportunity, you should know that you are doing a great job of your hair. Oysters contain a very large amount of zinc that prevents hair loss. The capillary cells are zinc-based to function, and thus the hair will be more supple, hydrated and healthy. You can also eat beef, crab and grain enriched with zinc to provide this important mineral to your body.

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