Traffic police, a complaint against MP Florin Roman, who initiated the project of pre-notification of radars, for defamatory statements


The Traffic Police Group claims that Florin Roman's statements, dissatisfied with the amendments to the Highway Code because "fate disappears" and that they can no longer be arrogant, undermine the 39, the honor of the police.

  Traffic police, complaint against the deputy Florin Roman, initiator of the project of pre-notification of the radars, for libel

The police of the road, complaint against the deputy initiator of the project of pre-notification of the radars

posts on the social network of MP Florin Roman, by which he violates the honor and prestige of the Romanian police using words and expressions offending all police officers, cataloging them as "spargarians" and "ciubucari" ", Traffic Police Group Romania, through the National Union of Police and Contract Personnel, analyzes the possibility of submitting to the prosecutor's office the jurisdiction of a criminal complaint against the deputy Florin Român for committing the offense provided for and punishable by article 296 of the Code It also analyzes the possibility of submitting to the competent court an action concerning the denigration of the personnel Romanian police using certain public phrases or words intended to undermine the honor and dignity of the police, "the representatives of Romanian police a public position regarding the statements of the deputy, as well as taking the necessary legal measures. The head of the National Union of Police and Contract Personnel in Romania, Dumitru Coarnă, told MEDIAFAX that he would file his personal complaint with the prosecutor's office on Monday

. Florin Roman responded on Facebook stating that the threat of a lawsuit is timely. have the opportunity to talk about policemen.

"Do you remember the many cases where police officers were caught for bribery?" I am threatened with a trial. "Very well, I will have the opportunity to talk about these things, everywhere. It seems hard to me that these people still have an aggressive attitude on the part of the communist militias, who allow themselves to publicly threaten and seriously violate the law.I have bad news for these menacing police officers: you Are not above the law, and your fight proves to me that you do not care about people, but because we have ruined your rule of waiting and fines. and wounded do you have on the conscience? "writes Florin Roman

Police complaints come after, a few days ago, the PNL deputy Florin Roman wrote on his Facebook page that the police oppose it to amendments to the Highway Traffic Act because "the wreck disappears" and "they can no longer be ar rogants "

" I would like to understand, but I can not. Why do road policemen oppose the pre-deployment of radar as a means of prevention? Just because the parody disappears? Just because I can not stay still? Just because they can not be arrogant anymore? Yesterday, we traveled about 500 km in Italy. On all preloaded radars, drivers slow down and avoid accidents and fines. Why are they currently dying on the road, gentlemen of the road? Is it good? Hunting and death? Do you ever push the large number of dead on the roads, the fact that instead of warning, you lose sight of and people die in accidents? "

The Traffic Police Group sent a letter to the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, asking them not to enact the Highway Traffic Act amendments which refers to radar signaling and said that if this law passed, more than 2,000 people will die in 2019.

PNL MPP Florin Roman's proposal that the presence of radar police cars must be pre-signaled by signs 500 – 2,000 meters previously, has been adopted by the Chamber of Deputies as a decision-making body early July

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FLORY and BIANCA Dragusanu


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