Tragedy in sports. A great champion just died …


Brian Lawler, the former wrestler, died at the age of 46 after attempting to commit suicide at Memphis Prison in Tennessee, where he was imprisoned for driving under the police. influence of alcohol and refused to stop.

Brian Lawler, Jerry's son "The King" Lawler, one of the notable characters in the recent history of the American struggle, caused trouble a few months ago when he was captured by US police driving drunkenness. For that, but also because he did not stop at the popular law, he was sent behind bars in Hardeman County Memphis Prison.

Sunday afternoon, the former athlete attempted to commit suicide, found guards (19659003) Brian Lawler arrived at WWE, the world's largest wrestling federation in 1997 under the name of " Too Sexy ". Brian Christopher, former WWE team champion in 2000, Brian Lawler was released for drug use and continued his career in WWE TNA rival.In 2011, he returned to WWE and participated in Wrestlemania 27, the most important event of the year.

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