Traian Basescu destroys D'aia: he knew and did nothing


Former President Traian Basescu returns and attacks agrarian minister Petre Daea again. He accuses Daea of ​​hypocrisy because he declared himself in solidarity with the farmers who lost thousands of pigs because of the plague, but for a year and a half he would have done nothing. even though he had been warned of the dangers of the EU itself.

I wonder how a bastard can be this clown specimen turned minister, who makes pigs, when he knows that the government of Romania, whose specimen is unfortunately warned since February 2017, in a written report of experts of the European Commission, does not respect the sanitary and veterinary rules to prevent African swine fever.

Experts from the European Commission called for urgent measures to prevent the huge epidemic and damage to livestock and the food industry

Ni Grindeanu, Tudose and Dăncilă, ANSVSA (directly under the Prime Minister) nor D'aia n they did not do anything. "Traian Basescu wrote in a social networking post

The former president claims that the situation described would be a clear service abuse and wonders if it is simply incompetence or "it is a great misdeed". "

Traian Basescu also claims that Romania will not even be able to receive compensation from the EU, given the warning issued by the European Commission in February 2017.

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