Trump, before the Juncker meeting: the US and the EU all abandon "tariffs, barriers and subsidies"


Through a tweet, he again ironically, as he did at the G7, about the supposed daring of the American partners, proposing that everyone give up "all tariffs, not barriers". Tariffs and Subsidies. "

" It would really be a free exchange! I hope they will, we are ready, but they will not do it, "he added.

Taking advantage, in a provocative tone that he likes, that the countries covered by the tariffs "all come to Washington to negotiate," Trump stresses that his strategy will materialize and "everything is fine" . [19659002]

But this approach is far from unanimous in the Republican camp, traditionally favorable to free trade

"I do not think that customs duties are the right answer," said the Republican leader in the House of Representatives Paul Ryan Tuesday

The representative is from Wisconsin, a state with the headquarters of Harley-Davidson. The famous motorcycle maker has unequivocally warned that the trade war between the United States and its partners will reduce its margin in 2018.

Like him, many elected officials of the Grand Old Party (GOP) worried about the Possible impact of the presidential crusade on the mid-term elections in November

John Thune, a Republican senator from South Dakota, saw in the $ 12 billion plan announced that Donald Trump's aggressive policy on behalf of "America First" caused "many collateral damage".

The White House leader has already said that this meeting should have taken place many years ago, arguing that the EU would have an unfair trade with the United States. In March, Washington introduced additional duties on imports of steel and aluminum from the EU, Canada and Mexico

In response, the EU introduced additional taxes on some US products, including steel, whiskey, Harley Davidson motorcycles and Levi's jeans. Brussels has also announced it will be ready to discuss a compromise, because the trade dispute between the United States and the EU threatens the world economy

European Commissioner for Economic Affairs. agriculture: the EU must retaliate

European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, said that the European Union must resist the trade measures of US President Donald Trump, and to "restore where he is", Hogan pleads for agreements with American states to avoid the White House

"I am the advocate of severe approaches because, as you know, I do not like not soft approaches. " The method for someone who is trying to bully you irresponsibly is to resist them by intimidation, "said Phil Hogan, quoted by the Irish Times.

" If the European Union, which has $ 500 million, Residents, is united, we will be able to show President Donald Trump his mistake. A firm and firm attitude will bring this man back to where he is. that he will pursue all his economic activities if he manages to escape without following up these measures, "stressed the EU official, denouncing" the nationalist attitude " by Donald Trump

The head-to-head meeting between Donald Trump and the head of the European Commission (EC) Jean-Claude Juncker Wednesday in the oval office could be tense, the commercial war unleashed by the White House The gossip of the teeth, including those of his camp, writes AFP.

A proof of the conflict led by the United States is that his administration has just announced an emergency assistance of $ 12 billion for farmers affected by Washington's retaliation on China, the European Union (EU) or Canada.

In this context, the meeting between the House real estate mogul Blanche for 18 months and Luxembourg member of the EC since 2014 is very delicate

Co nnu in his open talk and his uncle, the CEO says that Trump told him at the last G7 "Jean-Claude, you're a brutal killer."

"I think he's not not saying this as a compliment, but I'm not sure … "he added.

Donald Trump regularly threatens to move to another level, without any concessions from Brussels, to impose customs taxes on imports of European cars, which is particularly worrying for Germany, where 800,000 people work in this key sector.

Starting with Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, who accompanies Juncker in the federal capital. "

But some signs prove it: one day before the meeting, the tenant of the White House denounced again the attitude of Europe, which was the reserve for months

"What makes us the European Union is incredible (…). They look like they're cute, but they're tough, "he said of Kansas City, Missouri, promising to vigorously defend the interests of America during his meeting with the president. of the EC

Jean-Claude Juncker consults several European leaders before going to Washington to meet US President Donald Trump, writes Politico

Juncker spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron with German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, commission spokesman said.

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