Trump changed his mind, praising his firmness with Moscow: "We will not accept that"



  Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki
<! – Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki ->

Donald Trump gives a hand and takes two. The American leader finally declared what he wanted the Democrats and Republicans to hear about it two days ago in Helsinki.

In an interview for CBS, Trump said that Putin is personally responsible for the interference. Russian pirates in the US presidential election

But he then added that he does not believe that the Russians continue to commit hostile activities to the US territory. And in another context, Trump has awakened the concerns of NATO allies about solidarity among member states.

Faced with the flow of convictions and warnings, Donald Trump seemed to yield

Jurnalist ]: "Are you saying that you are in agreement with the services American intelligence saying that Russia has participated in the elections? "

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Trump on the accession of Montenegro to NATO: "Can I do something aggressive? World War"

Donald Trump : " Yes, and I have already said it many times. "

Journalist You directly blamed Putin. Do you think that he is personally responsible?

Donald Trump: "Yes, because he's running the country. Just as I consider myself responsible for what happens to us in the country.

Moreover, Trump asserts that he sent a firm message to Vladimir Putin, related to the espionage actions carried out by Russian pirates [

Donald Trump: "I told him we could not accept that, we would not accept that. And that is how things will go. "

There is the possibility, outside of the commune, that Donald Trump's translator be quoted in Congress to testify to the discussion of the two presidents.

In another interview, Trump formulated again another reasoning intended to please the Kremlin leader: the state of Montenegro has dropped in the middle, which Prime Minister Trump has brutally supported at the G7 summit.

Reporter : "NATO member states have an obligation to defend each other in case of an attack. Let's say that Montenegro, which joined last year, is attacked by the alliance. Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend this country? "

Donald Trump :" I understand what you are saying. And I asked the same question. Montenegrins are very strong, very aggressive. They can do something aggressive and wake up in the third world war. Michael Hayden: "I would not be surprised if what he said last night at Fox News would echo what Putin really told him"

Vladimir Putin does not hides not even his satisfaction when it comes to discord among the member states of the Alliance

Megan Kelley, International Economic Forum of St. Petersburg: "All these arguments about NATO help Russia?"

Vladimir Putin : "Well, if it led to the dissolution of NATO, it would help." But I still do not seem to be Alexander Vershbow, former US ambassador to Russia: "Putin sees NATO as the main obstacle to his efforts to divide Europe, and l? European Union does not like it

for the same reason: because it spreads democratic values ​​Even though this small state has an army of a few thousand soldiers and only sent 20 soldiers to Afghanistan, Donald Trump must not forget that the only time that Article 5 on NATO solidarity was activated came after the attacks in Afghanistan September 11th More than a thousand European soldiers died in the war in Afghanistan, unleashed by the Americans to respond to the attacks of 2001.

  Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki
<! – Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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