Trump continues his attacks on Germany and critics of the second day of the NATO summit



  Donald Trump
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Donald Trump resumed his criticism of Germany and reiterated his request to double defense spending on Thursday, the second day of a NATO summit in New York. Brussels, according to news.

Germany has just started paying Russia, the country it wants to defend, billions of dollars to cover its needs in the (energy) field of a new gas pipeline coming from Russia. This is unacceptable! ", Wrote Trump Thursday morning

This new salute, similar to that of Wednesday, has a commitment of 2%, and this must finally go up to 4%! after a meeting with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he said to have "very good relations", at a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the summit.

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What inspired Trump to call "the man" rocket "on Kim. US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel address to the press after a NATO summit meeting
A few hours after starting a new war of words,[19659011]]- BBC News (World ) (@BBCWorld) 11 July 2018

"All NATO countries must respect their commitment of 2%, and that in the end go to 4%! "

Donald Trump urged US allies to allocate 4% of GDP to defense spending Wednesday

This requirement is not new

The White House resident has already formulated last year, but it is now dubbed by vicious allegations against NATO allies, who blame them for not paying enough, especially Germany.

"Trump's request is not serious and does not fit with the official US policy. But that undermines the meaning of the NATO summit's joint statement and stresses that no increase in spending should satisfy Trump, "says analyst Erik Brattberg, director of the Carnegie Foundation Europe Program


NATO leaders strove to bring to light the positive "atmosphere" of the talks, Thursday morning, at meetings devoted to Ukraine, Georgia, Afghanistan and Iraq

Europe is a continent it appreciates.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has qualified the atmosphere of "positive and constructive" at the dinner on Wednesday

"We have made good progress working meetings yesterday (Wednesday) on various topics in the morning" said the French President Emmanuel Macron

"We will continue this morning in a much quieter than what e st said and with a desire to maintain unity. NATO, the modernization of its courts, the reaction to new threats, as NATO has done in recent years. So calmness and rigor are what we owe to our armed forces, "he added.

A meeting of the North Atlantic Council with Georgia and Ukraine and a meeting with partner countries

"Germany is fully controlled by Russia (…), she is the prisoner of Russia (…), she is the prisoner of Russia" He sneered, in a thrill of unprecedented harshness at this type of alliance meeting.

He then insisted that the Allies honor the commitment they had made. allocate 2% of GDP in 2024, he asked them to increase these expenditures to 4% of GDP

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg omitted this issue during his press conference end of the day. "Let's start with the 2%, for which there is a lot of work to be done," he said.


In total 15 And member states – Germany, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Spain – are below a threshold of 1.4% in 2018 and will be unable to honor their commitment, which infuriates the US president, who then asked, in a Twitter message, that allies to increase military spending to 2% "IMEDIAT."

Donald Trump and Angela Merkel had the opportunity to explain at a head-to-head meeting after the first work session. The president then changed his tone and assured that he had "very good relations" with the German Chancellor.

He said that he had discussed the doubling of the Nord Stream gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany, to which he opposed refused to enter into the details of the meeting.

Angela Merkel said "thank you for having had the opportunity to exchange views" with the US President. "We are partners, we are good partners and we want to continue to cooperate in the future," she said.

Europeans were afraid of a difficult summit

Donald Trump left Washington with a bellicose mood, saying provocatively that his meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, scheduled for Monday in Helsinki, could be "more easy "than the NATO Summit






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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh

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