Trump, dismantled in the United States after the summit with Putin: "Traitor!" "Diminished before a tyrant"


President Donald Trump was brutally attacked by Republican allies, Democratic opponents and members of the intelligence community, following controversial statements made with his counterpart Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit

Donald Trump openly contradicts the community. US intelligence and attacked the prosecutor's investigation, Robert Mueller, suggesting that he lends more credit to the Kremlin leader in the Russian intervention scandal in the US presidential election in 2016 , notes the BBC

Statements that it seemed to be responsible Just as the United States and Russia for the current crisis in bilateral relations sparked rumors in Washington

A difficult reaction came from the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, who stated that there was no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia. "Hostile to American values ​​and ideals." Ryan pointed out that there was no doubt that Russia was ingesting it in the 2016 elections.

Senator John McCain said in turn that he had witnessed a "shameful spectacle" " Of the president. "No other American president has been more abject than a tyrant," said McCain

. The current director of the information society, Dan Coats, also said that the investigations had confirmed the "constant attempts" of Russia. to undermine American democracy

Former CIA director John Brennan concluded that Trump's statements were an act of "treason". "Not only that Trump's comments were foolish, but he's totally in Putin's pocket." Republican Patriots, where are you ???, he writes on Twitter

Instead, Vice President Mike Pence defended the controversial summit and praised Donald Trump with Putin, Trump was asked if the blame for bad bilateral relations is entirely Russia. "I think the US was bad, we we were all stupid, "he replied, before turning to his victory in the 2016 presidential election:" I defeated Hillary Clinton slightly and we defeated her "Trump has stated: "We won the competition and it is shameful that it can even be a little overhead. "

On the interference of Russia in the respective elections, investigated by an independent prosecutor and denounced by the US intelligence services, I see no reason to be Russia, President Putin was very strong and strong in his contempt today. "His response comes in the context where the special prosecutor Robert Mueller got earlier the indictment of 12 agents of the GRU, the espionage service of the 39, the Russian army, for hacking the computers of some Clinton electoral activists

Trump accused his country of a Twitter message, which also refers to the interference of Russia in the US elections : "Our relationship with Russia has never been worse because of the many years of stupidity and stupidity on the part of the United States and now, Witchcraft Arranged!" The Russian Foreign Minister responded to this message: "We agree."

Asked if Putin considers an opponent, Trump said, "In fact, I called him a competitor and he is a good competitor." Is a compliment. "

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