Trump lied about his father's origins. What he follows by the assertions made



  Donald Trump
<! – Donald Trump ->

US President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that his parents were born in Europe, whose continent has "a strong attachment".

After his recent visit to the United Kingdom, Trump said that both of his parents had European roots, his mother being Scottish, and his father in Germany, The Guardian writes. Millet was born in the European Union: a mother in Scotland and a father in Germany. I like these two states, they are right there, is not it? Trump says

White House boss Mary MacLeod was born in Scotland and emigrated to the United States between the two world wars, but her father, Fred Trump, was born in New York, USA. and not in Germany.

The grandfather of the American grandfather was born in Germany, where he moved to Manhattan at the age of 16, then moved to Washington and Canada.

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For quite a while, the White House father claimed that He was Swedish to gain sympathy from his family, something he used for years, [19659907] Donald Trump ” class=”img-responsive img-responsive article-picture”/> Through these affections of his links with Europe, Trump tries to win the sympathy of the Europeans.
<! – Donald Trump ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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