Trump, recorded without knowing Michael Cohen while talking about the compensation of ex-playmate Karen McDougal


This development is important because Michael Cohen, who has long been one of the pillars of Donald Trump's entourage and is the subject of a federal inquiry, recently said that his loyalty had limits.

The recording, made two months before the November 2016 presidential election, was seized by FBI investigators during a search of Michael Cohen's office, the New York Times revealed. .

The discussion saw Playboy Playmate Playmate former playmate Karen McDougal claiming to have had a "ten-month romantic relationship in 2006 and 2007" with one who had not yet joined the politics at the time. Time

AFP contact, Michael Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, declined to comment

The record was confirmed by several other publications of Donald's attorney Trump, the former mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, who stated that no payment had been made

Due to some elements of this conversation, it appears that the document does not present any legal risk for Donald Trump, as long as the payment has never been made.

But it is part of the FBI's investigation, which seeks to determine whether a possible use of funds during the presidential campaign to pay for former Donald Trump's alleged conquests could constitute a crime in electoral regulations .


Michael Cohen is currently investigating a large FBI investigation that could lead to prosecution

It was initiated in part at the request of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged complicity between Trump team and Russian representatives in the presidential campaign in 2016.

Michael Cohen is regularly portrayed as the arm of Donald Trump rather than his lawyer

The attorney publicly acknowledged that she had paid him $ 130,000 for pornography, Stormy Daniels, in November 2016, in order to buy her silence about a sexual relationship that was ## 147 ## She had had with the president in 2006.

With unflinching fidelity to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen gave a first signal that his loyalty is limited

"I am faithful to my wife and my son and I always, "he said in an interview with ABC early July. "I put my family and my country first."

With regard to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen's cooperation with the judiciary has now emerged which could reveal compromising elements for the president.

According to the New York Times, Cohen was also consulted by journalist David Pecker on the testimony of Karen McDougal.

The National Enquirer, head of David Pecker's group, agreed to buy the exclusive denomination of $ 150,000

The New Yorker writes, on the basis of anonymous testimonies, which Pecker and National Enquirer finally chose not to publish, to defend Donald Trump, what the targeted individuals denied

In the FBI investigation, Michael Cohen demanded that documents confiscated by the federal police are removed from the record because they are confidential about the relationship between the lawyer and his clients

An independent expert appointed by the Federal Court of New York in charge of the case filed Thursday that about one-third of the 4,000 documents concerned could be filed.

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