Trump, secretly registered by his lawyer discussing the payment of a Playboy Starlet



  Donald Trump
<! – Donald Trump ->

Michael Cohen, former US attorney Donald Trump, secretly recorded a conversation they had before the 2016 presidential election.

They were discussing the payment of 39; a former Playboy starlet who claimed had a relationship with Trump and the latter wanted to buy his silence through a confidentiality agreement, writes The New York Times in the Friday edition.

According to the daily, the FBI found this record in during a search in Michael Cohen's office as part of a non-Trump tax and banking fraud investigation, as well as to investigate the situation. an investigation into the payments allegedly made by the latter to buy the silence of women with whom to have extramarital affairs, especially the adult actress, Stormy Daniels, to whom the real estate mogul would have offered , through Cohen, $ 1,000,000

Recorded speech mentioned to Karen McDougal, former Playboy starlet

who, in August 2016, sold $ 150,000 to American Media Inc., the editor of the weekly The National Enquirer, the story of a relationship that President Trump has denied. Karen McDougal said she had a "ten-month love affair in 2006 and 2007" with Donald Trump, a few months after Melania's last marriage.

This record was confirmed by New York Times Trump's other lawyer, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who claims that no payment has been made for an agreement of confidentiality with Karen McDougal. CLICK HERE to install ProTV News for FREE Android and iPhone Phones

  Donald Trump
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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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