Trump: There is no "deadline" for the denuclearization of North Korea


US President Donald Trump said that there was no "deadline" to denuclearize North Korea, and there is no need to speed up the process, although the White House leader said disarmament would begin "very quickly".

<img alt = "Trump insists that talks with Pyongyang evolve" very, very well

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, the leader of North Korea, announced their commitment to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula at the Washington Historic Meeting in Washington, announcing the intention to provide security assurances to Pyongyang.

Understanding between the two leaders did not include a timetable or plan for the denuclearization process [19659005] "We do not have a deadline, we have no speed limit Trump told the press

"The sanctions remain, the hostages have returned home, there were no tests, and for nine months there was no punishment. missiles and I think the relationship is very good, so we'll see how it goes, "added the White House leader

. The Pyongyang Foreign Ministry stressed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un still wants "friendly and trustworthy relations". "with President Donald Trump

The US President also said that the North Korean nuclear threat was also a major topic of his meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

" President Putin will be involved in the that he is with us, "Trump says.

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