Trump: When the bureaucracy saves the omen | Deutsche Welle


On the issue of the British divorce in the EU and the attempts of the head of the London government May to make a sweet Brexit to reconcile European cabbages and goats beyond the Channel, supporters of a net separation, Donald Trump remained true to himself. He displayed, as usual, a brutal candor.

Theresa May, he says, with a lack of diplomacy as if it were unprecedented and, of course, difficult to assimilate, would be "made of sheep". In an interview with the British newspaper "The Sun" on Wednesday, the head of the White House said that the head of the London government had ignored his advice. And if that is done, and if the UK's relations with the EU remain as close as they want, the month of May will be jeopardized by the chances of a US bilateral trade treaty. British. Because "the United States would be forced to negotiate again with the EU and not only with the British, although they have great difficulties" with the Europeans.

In the wilderness, if the May deal was to end, something else the British wanted when they chose the Brexit in a referendum. Finally, at the height of the banquet, Trump congratulated the British Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, calling him a "great prime minister". As Minister for Brexit, Davies, Johnson threw away the towel the day before, preferring controversial support over the very pro-European course of the Conservative bosses and the government, to resign.

In response, a spokesman for the boss of the British executive responded that May would be willing to "explain" to Trump quietly, "in a private conversation," as Brexitti sees it. The meetings of the American president with May, then with Queen Elizabeth II, were to take place on Friday

Long before beginning these discussions, they should have been clear to the observers who are the model of Donald Trump's political actions. . The American president comes out, saying raw truths and downright truthful that no one wanted to keep in mind for a long time. Then, after hiding himself like no one else, he shook, irritated the reflexivity, and obtained the necessary concessions to get the wagon out of the swamp in which his glory, his laziness, his laxity, his cowardice and his duplicity propelled a volta. He comes back to Ploiesti.

He likes and praises, sometimes ditirambic, the hosts. That's exactly what he did at the NATO summit. Where, swearing in the feet of the commentators of Western Europe, and even of some Orientals, he has rendered an invaluable service to Europeans and especially to Germans, pointing out their weaknesses, their shortcomings, their contradictions and their regrettable defects, for which they do not have by their own fault, military forces worthy of the name, but they emit pretensions without any cover, like the United States to ensure their safety. This, although I know that Americans feel cheated on the scale of trade

Not only by the Chinese communists, but by the Europeans. It is less important, in the context, to know if the American president is right in terms of trade relations, where the United States, for example, receives 2.5% of German automobile taxes, and Europe, which insists on antiprotectionist hypocrisy, is prohibitive. one percent for Americans.

Significantly, Trump is convinced that he has. And that no European has yet managed to credibly prove that this would not be the case. On the contrary, EU bureaucrats, strongly encouraged by opinion makers, unable to think on their own, believe that Trump's ruin, and not his folly and manipulation, is the ultimate crime , rejecting the soft European type Breath Theresa May. they want to punish America, so radically, the United Kingdom. That the United Kingdom ensures the safety of Europeans and should not be treated as a colony, or give them any pretense. They do not care, or more likely, they bother them. Communists, for example.

No less important, in terms of security, America is in any case right. And the Western Europeans, despite Juncker's nose, who, when it's not a humanity, have trouble getting done, are blatists taking advantage of the ordinary, since they are paid by the Americans for the protection of the Old Continent. What Trump manifests as a difficult to reach mitochondrion is clear. But is it unpredictable, how often has this been said? Asset. It seems, on the contrary, easy to predict what he will do and say.

He puts his finger on the crushing repressed wounds that no one ever wanted to know. He will show them strident, in the non-diplomatic style of a dozen tyrants, relying on their brute power. And because he has the superpower back, he can not be sent or ignored. Finally, he wins

That it is unfortunate and certainly shocking, the generosity of Trump brings huge benefits.

That during the US election campaign in 2016, his under-rated counter-candidates in corpore, one can understand it. It is incomprehensible that European politicians and the team of analysts and political scientists continue to content themselves with justifying and underestimating it, believing that they are doing their job if they consider it unpredictable, irresponsible and irresponsible. silly, in short, impossible to take seriously.

It is no less absurd that people are still lying, asking them to force their leaders to behave "with dignity" not against criminals, dictators or criminals such as Putin, Dragnea, Erdogan and Eiusdem Farinae. but to the Trump, which, as former German Foreign Minister Gabriel has said, would promote "regime change in Germany".

In fact, he is promoting it here in the United Kingdom. It's unfortunate and certainly shocking, the generosity of Trump brings tremendous benefits. For, by grinding it in a non-diplomatic way, President Grobian will lift Europe from the dead. She opens her eyes, uplifting it as a false sign of equality between diplomacy and smart politics. Or between pacifism and a reasonable political course

All this should attract the attention of the Old Continent, that threatened by Putin and terrorism, as well as the argument of migration, in this case its own inadequacy of these threats, has a problem, to solve urgently, not only with a bad security policy. But with its post-war mentality and a culture from which the key values ​​of death, honesty and self-defense have vanished. But they made cynicism and hypocrisy threatening a serious humanity, which replaces its pride.

Petre Iancu – The Deutsche Welle

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