Trump's strategy is at the forefront of the "right-wing revolution" in Europe


The Movement will provide advice on public opinion polls, communication and messages to be conveyed to society, the targeted use of data and the marketing of elections. It will also act as a think tank for the right-wing groups that have proliferated in Europe and which, in most cases, do not have consolidated political structures or adequate funding

. Bannon's ambition, confessed to the American publication The Daily Beast, is that his movement will have an impact similar to that of the George Soros Open Society Foundation, which since its inception in 1984 has contributed 32 billion dollars to finance liberal and progressive causes.

Last year, Bannon held consultations with right-wing groups in Europe, Nigel Farage, founder of Ukip in the UK, and Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front (recently renamed National Assembly) in France, in Fidesz Viktor Orban in Hungary and PiS leaders, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, in Poland.

Trump's strategy aims to create a right-wing "supergroup" in the European Parliament, composed of one-third of its members after the parliamentary elections of May 2019. A block large enough and united to have the capacity of 39 influencing Major debates and parliamentary procedures, commented The Daily Beast, would give Steve Bannon enormous power in Europe.

The headquarters of the Bannon Movement will be in Brussels, and recruitment will begin in a few weeks. Bannon will spend half of his time in Europe – more "on the ground" and less at the Brussels office – after the mid-term elections in November in the United States

Transatlantic Bridge to Europe for Trump's Ideas

The strategist's intention is to create a transatlantic bridge between the right-wing movements in Europe and Freedom Caucus, the most conservative lobby group of the United States Congress, close to the ideology of the Tea Party. Last week, the Arizona Republican deputy, a member of the group, took part in the two-week Bannon action in London.

Then Steve Bannon and Raheem Kassam, a former member of Nigel Farage's team and publisher of the conservative Breitbart platform, are settling into a five-star hotel in the Mayfair district of London, exactly when Donald Trump visits the capital of Britain. Among the many television interviews, Bannon and Kassam had meetings with many right-wing leaders in Europe

"We have been so successful that we start hiring immediately," says Bannon. "Everyone agrees that next May is of crucial importance, so there will be the first real confrontation between populism and the Davos party".

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