Tudorel Toader, about interviews with DNA candidates: "We will decide today in committee"


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Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said Wednesday morning that three days had been set aside to support the interview of candidates for the position of Chief DNA Prosecutor, not knowing how many prosecutors would join

Wednesday, but it will be determined exactly when it will take place, reports news.ro

The Minister of Justice said that all the candidates' files have been verified by the Human Resources Department and are complete, from so that he can no longer eliminate a candidate's competition

"The Department of Human Resources Department has verified all records, is complete and therefore can no longer withdraw a file of the contest Why I have if not appreciated the managerial project? This is not possible to do it. "We had originally planned three days to support the interview, not knowing how many candidates we will have, and we will decide today at committee, " Tudorel Toader told headquarters the Department of Justice

He said a day ago that interviews of candidates for the chief of DNA will take place Thursday from 9:00 am and that Friday will come to a conclusion. According to the announcement originally posted on the website of the Department of Justice, the period for interviews by candidates is July 25-27

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A new criminal complaint against the Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader

On Tuesday, it is very possible and none of the four candidates will be qualified and the selection procedure will be resumed.

"We see how they will run for the interview, we see the managerial programs, and then we will determine if a candidate to propose to the Superior Council of the Judiciary and the President." It is very likely that one of the four is candidate because it is very likely that none of them will be named and we will resume the procedure – and the announcement, the application and the interview " said the Minister of Justice [19659004] He also stated that the future chief of DNA is not obliged to come from the institution:" Forgotten not one thing – there is this opinion, which seems to be in the majority, in the sense that the future head of DNA must come from the internal structure, but we must not forget that in the past the head of the l & # 39; DNA did not come from within the structure, since DIICOT's head is not inside the structure. s attorneys, they have experience and they can take care of it. "

Tudorel Toader, Chief Prosecutor of DNA Attorney General, said that he had to increase confidence in the act of justice and that there was more to 39, innocent to stop.] "The future Chief Prosecutor of DNA must improve the activity of DNA, increase confidence in the act of justice, stop d & # 39; Arrest innocent people, sue, no longer be guilty, not be prosecuted. What I said in the report in 20 points (evaluating the work of the former Chief Prosecutor of DNA) did not occur under the former leadership of the US. ADN » added Tudorel Toader

Florentina Mirica, Head of the Anti-Corruption Service of the National Directorate for the Fight Against Corruption (DNA), is the first prosecutor to submit a request for leadership on DNA Monday morning

handles the CNAS file, which covers 90 employees of the Health Insurance Company, businessmen and healthcare companies to home. He also dealt with the case where former Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and several senior officers of the Department of Information and Internal Protection (DIPI) were brought to trial for abuse of power

On May 11, 2016 Oprea was sued by the DNA in the luxury car case filed by the DIPI for the protection of dignitaries and used by Oprea. In the same case, the former heads of the DIPI Gheorghe Nicolae, Nelu Zărnică, Nicolae Pavel and Dănuţ Iacob are judged, the amount of the damages amounting to 410,000 lei being deposited

At the same time, Mirica has treated several Public records, including Judge Stan Mustache or businessman Dinel Staicu

In addition, Florentina Mirica was one of hundreds of prosecutors who signed an open letter two months ago requesting compliance with the independence of justice

In 2014, Florentina Mirica was appointed by Laura Codruta Kovesi to head the anti-corruption service of DNA

The second prosecutor who filed her appointment for the Monday's DNA direction is Deputy Chief Attorney for DNA Marius Iacob

] "I dropped my candidacy and make no further comment", Marius Iacob declared at the exit of the Ministry of Justice [19659004] Marius Iacob, former MP Laurea Codruta Kovesi, both at the DNA and Attorney General's office, is concerned about two disciplinary measures initiated by the Judicial Inspection

. One of the files, Jacob is accused by the Judicial Inspectorate of violating several provisions, delegating a Chief Prosecutor of the Service, respectively Carmen Simona Ricu, to represent the DNA in the civil proceedings concerning the suspension of the order by which the prosecutor Mihaiela Moraru Iorga was suspended from the DNA. He will be heard at the disciplinary prosecutors section on 5 September.

In his second case, Marius Iacob is the subject of a disciplinary investigation by the judicial inspectorate to the former head of the AND, Laura Codruta Kovesi, for "non-compliance to abstain when the judge or prosecutor knows that there is one of the causes provided for by law to abstain", consisting in having conducted criminal proceedings without a declaration of abstention, although it was evidently found in the situation of incompatibility provided for in Article 64 (1) (f), with reference to Article 65 (1) and the following: Article 66 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. "

Marius Iacob is Deputy Attorney General of DNA in June 2013.

Previously, Mr. Iacob was head of the Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science Section of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, and of June 2011 to October 2012, he was Senior Deputy Attorney General

Between 1994 and 1997, Jacob was a prosecutor at the district 6 district attorney's office, then worked at the Bucharest District Attorney's Office until 1993. in 2003, when he was appointed Deputy Prosecutor, until 2006, with an interruption from May 30, 2005 to February 20, 2006, when he was Director General of the National Prison Service [19659004] Marius Iacob treated the case of the fire at the maternity Giulesti, coordinated the DNA investigation in the case of the Collective, but also the file of the lawyer Elodia Ghinescu

The prosecutor Cristian Lazar occupies, since November 2015, the position deputy of the Criminal Investigations and Investigations Section of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the High Court of Cassation and Justice

Lazar investigated the case "CIA Prisons on Romanian Territory". He also handled Victor Ponta's plagiarism case and ordered that the prosecution not be prosecuted.

DNA Prosecutor Elena Grecu, former head of the Constanta Attorney's Office

Also on Monday, he applied for the post of public prosecutor. Elena Grecu, Head of the DNA Department

She heads the Judicial Section of DNA, where she has been working since June 2016.

Two years ago, Elena Grecu was head of the Court of Appeal of Constanţa

The time for applicants to support the project in the performance of their specific duties is d & About 30 minutes, and time for questions and answers – about an hour

Candidates for the position of Chief DNA Prosecutor will support the interview with the Minister of Justice, supported by the secretaries of state.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Justice, the following standards must be taken into account: support to the project to perform the specific functions of the management function, verification of managerial and communication skills, presentation of the vision of the organization of the institution to fulfill the constitutional attributions of promoting the general interests of society as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens, the presentation of the vision of the office functions for which he / she participates in the selection concerning the coordination of crime prevention activities in general and specific phenomena: organized crime, corruption, tax evasion etc., the verification of the specific knowledge of the selection function and aspects of motivation, conduct, integrity and professional ethics, as well as other circumstances resulting from document analysis s submitted by the prosecutors participating in the selection

After the interviews, the Minister of Justice formulates the proposal of the position of DNA prosecutor who will submit to the Superior Council of the Judiciary – Prosecutor's Section his proposal / proposal for this post , to issue the opinion. After the CSM has issued its opinion, the Minister of Justice will send to the Head of State his proposal for the post of chief of the DNA.

The selection for the position of Attorney General of DNA began on July 9 immediately following the announcement of the decree. President of Klaus Iohannis for the dismissal of Laura Codruta Kovesi

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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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