Turkey returns to the European route. First sign: resumption of relations with Germany Răzvan Munteanu


The visit would be the first of its kind
that Erdogan will do in Germany as president, being a sign
clear of the two states to rebuild bilateral relations, damaged after
the failed state coup in Turkey in the summer of 2016.

to synthesize
in 13 points,
the main moments behind escalating diplomatic tensions
between Ankara and Berlin, from the poem considered defamatory by
Turks, German commander
Jan Böhmermann, up to
in the case of dual-nationality Turkish and German journalist Deniz Yücel arrested in Turkey for spying
support from Hizmet and PKK groups. In this series of events, the publication
German had no way of omitting moments such as German critics on
human rights in Turkey, Berlin's recognition of the genocide
Armenian or statements such as those of Angela Merkel in which he asserted that
Turkey can not become a member of the European Union, while on the other
party, Erdogan urged the Turks of Germany not to vote with the parties main stream in the autumn elections
last year

In practice, all this dialogue mentioned above
agreed upon on both sides involved, because, first of all, the criticism
in Turkey allowed moderate parties to marginalize political movements
Radical, Alternative for Germany with an electoral score well below expectations
while in Ankara, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) had the necessary nemesis
to keep the votes of the right radical electorate, extremely important
in recent elections, and with
especially in the elections of 2018

The first signs of resumption of relations with an ally
level have emerged since January 2018 when the former German Foreign Minister
Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel at the conclusion of a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut
Cavusoglu, says Germany is open to doing its best to
had a much better relationship with the Turkish partner, for a month later,
in February 2018, the authorities of Ankara would release Deniz Yücel.

Now, Erdogan
would be received with military honors in Berlin, and the red carpet he will be
the steps will show the relevance of Turkey for the West, and vice versa.

There are certainly many cases where Erdogan and
Merkel will have them to discuss, but it is likely that the agenda will be in trouble
like migration, the crisis in Syria or bilateral economic relations.
There are still many problems that Turkey will have to face
respect for human rights, Ankara being engaged in a fight that she
considers a direct threat to national security
find the best diplomatic way at the same time to avoid escalation
international critics.

It would not be impossible for Germany to try a mediation
between Ankara and Hizmet by finding at least a short-term consensus that would allow Ankara to speak more
balanced relationship with other partners. It remains to be seen, however
such an initiative will exist and this will be its success rate.

Beyond the Atlantic, Turkey's struggle against
Hizmet makes relationship with states difficult
United, Ankara arresting the evangelical pastor in October 2016
Andrew Brunson conducting missionary activities in Turkey for more than 20 years. in
The espionage charge and the support of the Hizmet movement, Brunson was in
behind bars until July 25, 2018, when Turkish justice ruled
placement under house arrest. The Brunson case has not only triggered the reaction
President Trump, but also that of the members of the American Congress, some of them
want to block any Turkish loan from the World Bank,
European Bank for Reconstruction or IMF

Turkey will have to find the necessary levers
achieve its strategic objectives while restoring the relationship with
European partners, and the visit of Germany shows that Ankara is aware
Especially as the EU is the main economic partner of the EU
Turkey, a country that already has high inflation and a devaluation of the currency
with around 20% since the beginning of the year.

Last but not least, the EU needs Turkey to
remains the stable and viable partner, as it has been in recent decades,
a security corridor that separated Europe from crises
from the Middle East or the Caucasus

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