TUTORIAL: Install iOS 12 beta public 2 on iPhone and iPad


<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-350272" title = "TUTORIAL Instaleaza iOS 12 public beta 2 iPhone iPad 350270" src = "https: //cdn.idevice .ro / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / TUTORIAL-Instaleaza-iOS-12-public-beta-2-iPhone-iPad-350270.jpg "alt =" iOS 12 public beta 2 was released on last night for iPhone and iPad by Apple, the new version of the operating system reaching users about three weeks after the launch of the first beta.In the meantime, Apple has released a new beta version of iOS 12, so iOS 12 public beta 2 is probably the public version of iOS 12 beta 3, so if you have it, you should not be boring

iOS 12 public beta 2 n '. is not a stable version of the iOS operating system, and that's because there are a lot of bugs in beta releases published so far, and it's good to know what who is waiting for it. iOS 12 public beta 2 will cause problems with phone calls, photo and video recording, GPS, performance, animation, sudden stops, autonomy. and many other problems that will hurt your user experience.

iOS 12 Public Beta 2 is not an iOS version that you should install on iPhone and iPad, if you really keep the terminal experience to be the best possible right now. I advise you to wait at least iOS 12 public beta 3 to do the installation, because until then things should be fairly stable, but of course that your choice is yours, but you have to be ready for anything. [19659005] TUTORIAL: Install iOS 12 public beta 2 on iPhone and iPad

iOS 12 public beta 2 can be installed very simply, but if you have a backup in iOS 11.4, and you make another one in iOS 12, you can not use it if you want to go back to iOS 11.4. If you wish, before you start, you need to back up your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch data with iTunes or iCloud. Of course, you will not be able to use these backups except in iOS 12 or a newer version of the operating system, but it is good to do them if necessary.

To install iOS 12 public beta 2 on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Access this using the Safari Browser Click on the button Sign in and log in with your Apple ID. Select iOS and scroll down the page until you see the Download Profile . [19659009] Click on the download profile When prompted to install a security profile, press the Install button
  2. You will now see an alert message requesting a terminal restart, it should to be accepted
  3. After restart navigates in Settings> General> Software Update Configurations> General> Software Update and choose option Download and Install have iOS 12 public beta 2 installed on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

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