TVR video explanations after the incident at Mamaia Children when part of the scene gave up panic – Essential


The situation created at the 2018 Mamaia Children's Festival Gala, when the scene suddenly left, "did not affect people's safety," TVR officials said at the request of Mediafax .

"Romanian Television, as a partner, provided the National Festival of Creation and Interpretation of Mamaia Children on several public TV channels – TVR 2, TVR HD, TVR International and TVR Moldova – and contributed to the improvement of the decoration.The stage scene was part of the organizer of the festival, "reports TVR to Mediafax, but television makes proposals regarding the differences in level of the structure used:" In terms of scene, TVR's proposal, the organizer of the festival did the necessary work to bring the original stage to the same level with its extension, precisely to make sure that it does not happen. There are no level differences leading to unforeseen events, "reads the text, created during the Gala did not affect the safety of people on stage,"

The Children's Festival Mamaia took place from July 10 to 14, on the scenes of Casino and Perla in the station

At the gala that took place on Saturday night, dozens of kids were on stage when he suddenly left. The children were frightened and left the scene, but no one was hurt

The mayor of Constanţa, Decebal Făgădău, told the MEDIAFAX correspondent that the municipality had not organized the festival, so that he could not be held responsible, although the scene belongs to him

Făgădău said that the incident took place on an "advance" organized by the organizers

"The mayor from Constanţa has the capacity of a financial, we launched a project competition and the Association La Mamaia Children's Culture won this project and took charge of the organization of the 39, event, in addition to the sum of money provided by the cultural infrastructure, namely the casino scene and the market, but the incident aims a step forward and not the scene. the organizers, I understand that the superstructure has abandoned and left about 20 centimeters. "[1 9659003] However, he stated that an internal investigation was ongoing. "

" Following the incident, we started an internal investigation to find out what to do happened there. We fund such events in good faith and we do not want events of this kind. If we identify a culprit, the measures will be severe, "said Decebal Făgădău

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