Two pilots fought on the plane and caused a tragedy. The reason for the conflict



  Iraqi Airways airplane
<! – aircraft Iraqi Airways ->

A staggering incident aboard Iraqi Airways, with more than 150 passengers on board.

Iraqi Airways took off without a problem from Mashhad in Iran, but more than 150 passengers never went to Baghdad because of an argument between the pilot and the co-pilot who disputed (19659005). Iraqi media and social networks immediately entered the thread of the incident, which they treated in a very critical or ironic manner, forcing the national company to issue a press release

. "Are drivers or drivers of minibuses," said a trainee, referring to drivers driving high-speed streets in Iraq, which is why they became a nightmare for other motorists

. has opened an investigation into the two pilots who had a dispute during the flight, "Iraqi Airways announced Wednesday evening in a statement, not to mention the time when the incident occurred.

Read and [19659008] Moldovan pilots, hostages of the Taliban for more than two years. "I do not see the sun"

The company did not provide the reason for the discord in the plane that had 157 passengers and crew members on board.

But in a letter to the management, who could be consulted by AFP, the co-pilot that when the plane was in flight, "the tone came in in the discussion with the pilot because he refused an air hostess to bring me dinner on the pretext that I had not asked for his permission. "

After having took his own meal, "he added, the pilot" used inappropriate vocabulary ", then" struck and insulted what caused the arrival of a member of the security ".

The two men eventually landed, but once what the plane did to Baghdad "the pilot again insulted me and hit me." "I had to defend myself."

Iraqi Airlines announces that it has suspended the two men and promises that they "will not be able to escape the harshest sanctions (…) such as the l '. prohibition to steal for life

The Prost News Instagram finds the pictures of the moment in Romania, but also in the world!

  plane Iraqi Airways
<! – aircraft Iraqi Airways ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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