UK: UK will refuse to pay the EU bill for Brexit in the absence of a trade agreement – International


The United Kingdom will not pay the bill for the separation of the European Union, except under a trade agreement, the new British Minister of Brexit, Dominic Raab said in an interview Sunday Telegraph Sunday, Agerpres reports Citing AFP

Eurosceptic Dominic Raab, who replaced David Davis on July 9 after his resignation, said that "some conditioning between the two parties is necessary."

Article 50 (of the Lisbon Treaty, on the process of exit from the EU) requires (…) the existence of a future framework agreement for the relationship that we will have (with the EU) in the future, so both parties are tied up, "says Dominic Raab Sunday. Telegraph

" You can not have a party that meets all the conditions and l & rsquo; Other does not fulfill or does not act slowly or assumes no responsibility, "added the minister.

Until now, the government The British have sent conflicting messages on the financial regulation of Brexit in an agreement on the exit of the UK from the EU from the end of March 2019.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has accepted a financial agreement in December from a worth between 35 and 39 billion pounds (39 to 44 billion euros), which, according to the ministers, depends on the future commercial relations.

Finance Minister Philip Hammond, who has pleaded for the "soft" Brexit with the EU, has nevertheless ruled "inconceivable" that London has not honored the financial obligations even in the past. lack of a commercial agreement, stressing that it is not a "credible scenario".

The United Kingdom will leave the EU at the end of March 2019 and the two parties will be calling for Brexit at the end of October to organize the separation, lay the foundations for their future relations and give the time to European Parliament and national parliaments to ratify the text of the agreement

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