Unbelievable! The stadium that Romania should play in the League of Nations has not been approved for Ligue 2 either


Friday, July 20, 18h45

Petrol promoted to League 2 but will not be allowed to play home games on the "Ilie Oana"

The Gendarmerie and l " Emergency Situations Inspectorate and the Public Health Department are institutions that consider that the arena does not meet the necessary conditions to obtain the notice and does not meet the conditions necessary to obtain the notice and n '# 39; did not give the wave

However, the decision is surprising, seen on June 5, the stadium "Ilie Oana" hosted the friendly match of the national team of Romania with Finland, score 2 -0

Romania will play two matches at this stage of the League of Nations: with Montenegro on 7 September and with Lithuania on 17 November.

15.000.000 € costing the complete reconstruction of the Ploiesti stadium, which took place in 2011

15,560 seats seats on the arena "Ilie Oana"

The petrol release

"FC Petrolul Ploiesti makes regret to fans and spectators that the absence of the security certificate of stadium Ilie Oana, which should have been obtained by the administrator of the town hall of Ploieşti (town hall of Ploieşti through the Municipal Sports Club Ploieşti), could result in the cancellation of the friendly match on July 28 and endanger the first official match of the new season: scheduled one week before the official start of the season 2018 -2019, the match between FC Petrolul and Rapid Bucharest was considered a gala for (19659012) FC Petrolul Ploiesti had the intention to offer a match to his supporters before the start of the season 2018-2019, but unfortunately for reasons i Ndependent on the club's will, such an event can not be staged at Ilie Oana Stadium at this time and will likely be canceled, "said Cristi Vlad, president of FC Petrolul Ploiesti

. The safety certificate is a mandatory document to be obtained by each a sports manager who certifies that the field meets the conditions for the conduct of competitions, under the conditions established by the Emergency Situations Inspectorate, the Gendarmerie and the Public Health Department. In the case of the stadium "Ilie Oana", this certification should have been obtained by the Municipal Sports Club Ploieşti. In the absence of this certification, the Ploiesti stadium, the arena where the team of "wolves" traditionally plays its games as organizers, is not licensed. More specifically, the Police Constabulary of Prahova Canton does not agree to organize matches with spectators at the stage "Ilie Oana"

Because we are facing a very serious situation that risk to become serious according to us. we also ask the stadium administrator to urgently take all necessary steps to obtain the security certificate, so that the Ploiesti team can play, for the Ploiesti, at the stadium "Ilie Oana "And not elsewhere," continued Cristi Vlad, who also said that the delay in approval also increases the risk from the point of view of the first official match of the 2018-2019 season. security is not obtained as soon as possible by the stadium administrator, FC Petrolul Ploieşti fans will be deprived of the joy of seeing their team play in the city on August 4 against Sportul Snagov. Petrol's only home is "Ilie Oana" and we can not design another variant for our own field games only in the "Temple" of football football! "

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