Unusual surprises at the "Next Star"! Lidia Buble gives a word that will shock the colleagues of the jury


Unprecedented performance in a new edition of Next Star. A competitor impresses the jury with a piece of folk singing in cabbage. And the atmosphere continues with a gymnastic exercise involving only the multiple champion Marian Dragulescu

When the folklore includes the Next Star scene, the emotions overwhelm the jury. Especially when a cabbage singer appears in front of them.

The article continues after the recommendations

Lidia Buble and Dorian Popa take lessons from him and even taste the "instrument".

The special guest of the evening is the multiple champion of Europe and the world, Marian Drăgulescu. Dressed in Sancho Panza, the athlete accepts the challenge of David, a 12-year-old performance gymnast, who performs a handcuffed exercise.

Behind the scenes, the show continues behind the scenes

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