UPDATE Parliamentary Elections in Pakistan: Former Cricket Champion Imran Khan Claims Victory – International


Former cricket champion Imran Khan claimed Thursday his victory in the Pakistani legislative elections, marked by a tense climate and accusations of fraud,

"We have succeeded". We were given a warrant, "said Imran Khan during a live broadcast speech at his headquarters in Bani Gala, a few kilometers from Islamabad

The official results of the voting n? have not yet been formally announced by the Pakistan Election Commission (PEC) 24 hours after polls closed Wednesday

Despite this, hundreds of supporters celebrated the victory on Wednesday night, dancing and singing in the streets. [19659004] Ballot counting was delayed due to "technical problems" related to the use of new election software, with the electoral commission being justified.

These delays fueled rumors about the manipulation of the results, as Khan is suspected of & # 39;. have benefited from the hidden support of the powerful Pakistani army

Wednesday evening, PML-N, the party in power for five years, announced that & # 39; he "rejects to the results (…) because of obvious and massive irregularities ".

And other political parties have accused of fraud.

These controversies come from & # 39; a campaign seen by some observers as the most "dirty" in the & # 39; history of the country because many manipulations but also marked by increased visibility of extremist religious parties [19659009] ( function (d, s, id) {
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