UPDATE The Government has decided to extend the filing deadline for the Single Return until July 31 – Finance & Banking


UPDATE The government on Thursday passed an emergency ordinance extending the deadline for submitting the single taxpayer declaration by July 31, government spokesman Nelu Barbu said.

"The term was extended until July 31 for the single statement, which was originally July 16. In other words, all of these changes made by the government this year remain in effect. force but with the change of the duration extended. "said Tudor Barbu, spokesman of the government. Thus, taxpayers can file a single statement of social security contributions and income tax payable by individuals by July 31 at the latest.

According to a recent ANAF press release, the deadline for submission of the single tax return and social security contributions for individuals was 16 July 2018. The statement was also available online.

"The declaration must be completed and submitted by natural persons who, individually or in the form of an association, derive income from Romania and / or from abroad, and from those who owe taxes on income and mandatory social contributions.Do not earn income and choose to pay the health insurance contribution are also required to submit the single declaration, "informs ANAF.

The single statement is filed online, via a virtual private area (VPS), based on a username and password or a qualified digital certificate, as well as via the e-guvernare.ro The return may also be filed in paper form directly with the ANAF tax office or by post, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

For submission the single declaration online until July 16 and 2018, a 5% increase on income tax is granted for 2018 and fully paid until March 15, 2019. Premiums are also granted for social contributions.

As a modifying statement, the single return can be changed by taxpayers on their own initiative whenever the previously reported information needs to be rectified.

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