US Critical Report for Romania on "Efforts Undertaken after January 2017 to Undermine DNA"


According to a report released by the US State Department on the business environment, the mix of policies in the fight against corruption has direct and negative effects on businesses and investments in the economy.

Americans in Romania, officials must be transparent and reduce bureaucracy, adds the Washington government

The document can be viewed here

The US State Department, l & # 39; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Equivalent to Romania In the past year, political changes, including the government, have complicated the business environment.

Normally, shows the strategic partner of Romania before the adoption of a new law, all involved parties should be consulted. is based on impact studies, which would not have been done by those in power.


Tudorel Toader is bounded by the laws of justice, in the form criticized by the Venice Commission

Moreover, the Americans say that the law appears to politicians, but at the same time, they criticize often magistrates and show the lack of

" Efforts made after January 2017 to undermine Romanian prosecutors and weaken the independence of the judiciary have affected investor confidence in the government's commitment in the fight against justice, without consequences. Corruption "The document says

Businessmen complain that they most often hit corruption at the governmental and local level and nominate them by their side." The pace of economic reforms we are slowed down, argue the Americans, and, furthermore, the political combination in the fight against corruption [19459175] " attracting and retaining additional investments will require further progress in terms of transparency, stability and predictability. the development of economic decisions as well as the reduction of non-transparent bureaucratic procedures says Department of State

Cătălin Radu Tănase, ProTV News correspondent : " America is the main ally at the military level. have invested more than 20 billion dollars in Romania, because Romania has a strategic position, is a member of the EU, owns natural resources and a high-quality workforce, so an environment d & rdquo; Friendly business should bring even more money into the country. "

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