Vaccination against the flu should begin this year before the end of the cold season


<img class = "alignleft wp-image-174203" src = "×425.jpg" alt = "vaccine" width = " 437 "height =" 290 "srcset ="×425.jpg 640w, 2014 /10/vaccin-900×597.jpg 900w, 1024w "sizes =" (maximum width: 437px Vaccination against influenza could start in November earlier than the previous years, when the campaign started somewhere at the end of the cold season.After the Ministry of Health, public procurement procedures are advanced and the situation of previous years, when the vaccination was made in December, January, even in February, we want to prevent people who are eligible for vaccination from benefiting by the end of the year

This year, public procurement for 500 000 doses from vaccine to abroad, afterwards, if there is receptivity to the vaccine in Arad, the vaccination rate against influenza has decreased in recent years, being below the national average, which is also very low . only 4.2%. This means that a total of less than one million doses of vaccine have been used, with the World Health Organization recommending immunization of at least 15% of the population. ;a country.

The reasons given by doctors to lower the vaccination rate is, on the one hand, the absence of flu vaccine on time, and this has already occurred over the past 10 years. in recent years at least, and on the other hand, there has been some information that has decreased patient confidence in the vaccine. Thirdly, there is a European trend for those who do not understand what it is and what a vaccine means, and that vaccination is by far the best way to prevent disease and calls that are not. unfortunately have no professional justification. them. And, on the other hand, doctors were embarrassed to ask patients to buy their vaccine.

Arad doctors recommend a vaccination rate of 75% among the elderly. In comparison, the elderly in Romania were vaccinated at a rate of 15% during the 2012-2013 season

Family physicians should be prepared with priority lists of people to be vaccinated. Age categories such as children, the elderly (+65 years old), pregnant women, chronic and chronic health care workers must be immunized as a priority. Thus, the authorities recommend that family doctors establish lists for these types of people until they receive the flu shot.

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