Vâlcov: Kovesi m asked to sign the recognition of the prosecutor and lawyer – Radio – TV


Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă's adviser, Darius Vâlcov, said Friday evening that former chief of the DNA, Laura Codruţa Kovesi, had personally asked him to sign the recognition, document that even He did not assume it, was done by Prosecutor and lawyer, according to Mediafax.

"My gratitude, that it was said at one point that I granted recognition, is made by a lawyer lawyer.Signed (by Darius Vâlcov – nr), but done by both (…) I went to the goddess of Nefertiti to tell me that I had to sign, "said Darius Vâlcov on Romanian television.

Asked if he was at Laura Codruta Kovesi, Vâlcov said: "Of course, While I was at … The prosecutor said very clearly: . The person is no longer inclined now, but it was made very clear: ".

The Prime Minister's advisor also said he had signed a recognition that he did not assume "primarily for the family".

"When you put a day in jail you do something, I would not want someone to get there." (Laura Codruta Kovesi asked me to sign the recognition), "also said Vâlcov. (Function (d, s, id) {
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