VIDEO A woman was arrested after climbing the Statue of Liberty


Police arrested a woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty in New York in protest of the separation of immigrant families as a result of the recent anti-immigration measures adopted by the Donald Trump administration, according to BBC News. A woman was arrested after climbing the Statue of Liberty "id =" main_picture "src =" width = 560 "/>

A woman was arrested after climbing the Statue of Liberty

After Wednesday's incident, even on Independence Day of the United States, the authorities evacuated L & # 39; Island of Liberty, where is the famous monument.

According to US media, the protester, identified as Therese Patricia Okoumou, is a 44-year-old immigrant from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A few other people were arrested during the day after an unauthorized protest.

Rise and Resist activists laid the groundwork for the Statue of Liberty on Wednesday, calling for the abolition of the US government agency charged with the identification and deportation
illegal immigrants.

Initially, members of the movement denied having anything to do with Therese Patricia Okoumou, but they admitted to having participated in their protest, but they did not know that they wanted to climb the monument.

The Washington administration is criticized for separating the children of immigrant parents from the border with Mexico. US authorities started to stop them as a precaution
immigrants who enter the United States illegally and their children transferred to special centers.

In recent weeks, more than 2,000 children have been separated from immigrant parents because the authorities have intensified litigation procedures for immigrants entering the United States illegally.

Following criticism, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to prevent the separation of children from immigrant parents.

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