VIDEO Calarasi Danube wins the first game of history in La Liga 1 "The future of Hagi squeaks in the beginning of the season


Article by – Ionuţ Coman Sunday 22 July

The future of Constanţa lost his first match this season, scoring 0-1, against the Danube Calarasi

3 minutes and 44 seconds need the Danube to to score the first goal in the history of the club in League 1 . And what a goal!

A free-kick from 17 meters perfectly executed by Honciu near the bar to the left of Cojocaru. This was the first and only occasion of the cars in the whole match, Alexa's followers immediately retiring in the two-row defensive, following the method "Autobaza" patented by Cârţu.

Well organized, with interventions to the limit of the regulation, they left ideas to the boys of Hagi. This is how shots came from far, most by the door or directly into the arms of Straton. With an exception.

"Ghiuleaua" of Voduţ, who trembled 16 meters in diameter. Still, the Constantians had a great chance of scoring after Rusandu awarded a penalty for a foul on Voduţ, only after the signal received from assistant Sebastian Gheorghe. Captain Ianis Hagi continued his dark day and fired badly from the limelight. And Straton turned away

Defense like Rovine

At the break, the storm began to feel. And in the air, but especially in the cloakroom of the Future. Two changes to the recovery, but no change in the situation on the ground
The same lack of ideas among the hosts, the same defense against the Danube. After about 13 minutes when the match was interrupted by a storm, Ţaru and the company resumed the race for the draw. With Alexi Pitu, a 16-year-old striker, who was launched in action by Hagi. And there have been some opportunities.

A head shot by Ianis, retained by Straton, "scissors" from the brand Drăguş, who did not catch up. The assault was interrupted by the elimination of Băluţă, in charge of the second "yellow" for a stronger intervention. But even in the inferior, the group Litoral pressed

And the last minutes have synthesized the whole game. The furtive attacks of Constanta, the defense of the Rovine Danube. And three big points for Alexa. But without football.

"We gave a lot, I suffered, but the suffering is beautiful, I waited a long time to make my debut in League One and the fact that I did it with a goal is a bonus for me. " We are a small team " Georgian Honciu, Calarasi midfielder

" For me, it was a match that ended in a huge surprise, I read Ianis well. . I knew that he was on the right, but the momentary inspiration made me go to the left and that was " Cătălin Straton, Călăraşi's keeper

" We have started badly and we had moments when nothing came out " Bogdan Ţâru, Viitorul midfielder

" It's a big offense for the result, but we have not been able to mark it. but also for the game. We did not manage to break it, and when we did not move, I could not. (19459014) Vlad Achim, midfielder Viitorul

Viitorul Constanta – Danube Calarasi 0-1
Marked: Honciu & # 39; 4

The game resumed after 10 minutes break

The game was interrupted in the 64th minute! Ovid's Nocturna gave way because of the storm on the outside. Players are sent by Lucian Rusandu

  • Ianis Hagi misses a penalty in the 45th minute

starting team

Future: V. Cojocaru – Ştefaniţă Boboc, S. Mladen, De Nouijer – V. Ciobanu, Cr. Băluţă, Vână – D. Drăguş, I. Hagi, M. Voduţ
Reserves: Buzăuchi – Luchin, Achim, Ţîră, Duarte Lima, Houri, Pitu
Gică Hagi

Dunărea Călăraşi: [19459007Straton-GligorovAŞandruDobrosavleviciDIspas-CrPuscasMonroy-DMunteanuGHonchiuDraghiceanu-VIAlexandru
Reserves: Cezar Lungu – Kouakou, St. Cucu, Pană, Mendy, Ndiaye, G. Simion
Coach: [19659026] Dan Alexa

Referee: Lucian Rusandu

Gică Hagi makes his debut in the league 1. Radu Ştefăniţă Boboc) moves to the right as the new Romario Benzar.

The future of Gica Hagi has already begun in the current season. He went to Europa League by the Racing Union (2-0 overall). In the first stage will face the winner of the second edition of the 2nd League, Călăraşi Danube.

The formation of Dan Alexa has been seriously reinforced for his debut in Ligue 1. In the upcoming round, D. Ipsas (Şirineasa), Gligorov (Sileks), Cucu (Botoşani), Honciu (Şirineasa), Monroy ( Dinamo), Straton Poli Timişoara), Şeroni (Poli Timişoara), Buzan (Craiova), Mediop (Ripensia), Danciu (Oţelul), Keyta (Chambly), Babei (Târgu Secuiesc), G. Simion (Juventus) Dincă (Metaloglobus) and Buzan (U Craiova)





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