VIDEO France: New violence in Nantes for the third night in a row


& # 39; & # 39; About fifty vehicles were burned "#; véhicules 39 39 during the night, according to firefighters. Shortly after midnight (22:00 GMT), a dozen vehicles were already affected in the neighborhood of Bellevue. A high school and a gas station in the neighborhood of Bottiere were also the object of a fire attempt.

At midnight, the violence was not wounded and there were no clashes between protesters and police, police said. as on the previous day, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a police valet at the Commissariat in Saint-Herblain, in the suburbs of Nantes. [19690000]

A 14-year-old miner was questioned Police said that AFP had placed a bottle of gas and rocket in the Clos-Toreau neighborhood, stating that the young man had been placed in custody

Wednesday night to Thursday, more than forty vehicles were burned called sensitive neighborhoods in Nantes: Breil, Bellevue, Dervallières and Malakoff. Seven public buildings and ten stores were also set on fire.

F. Boubakar, in which a warrant for "organized group theft" had been issued, was killed on Tuesday while he was trying to escape control. police in the car, according to the prosecutor. (19659006) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {19659006] FB.init ({
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