(VIDEO) Police are on anti-PSD ground in Cluj: "We broke a law?"


The message … atypical directed against the PSD, written on a field in Cluj and who made the internet, fires the local police

The Clujean who, with a Frenchman, showed the field with the messy message he said was contacted by the police and asked to delete it. He asks the "jurists" on Facebook if he broke any law.

"A question for the lawyers of FB The police asked us to delete the message on the ground Question, have we broken a law?" Wrote Sorin Bobis on Facebook

"The Romanian and his friend were contacted by telephone by the police. "They did not come in person, I spoke on the phone.At first, it was the local police of our commune, in Camarasu, then called the police of 39; Apahida with which we have nothing to do .It was a civilized discussion, rather a plea, that it could fall into contravention because it's an obscene word. " appealed to lawyers friends to tell us whether there is a contravention or not.We want to know, it is a private property.According to the Cluj newspaper, Sorin Bobis said Saturday to Mediafax correspondent that qu & # 39; 39, he was quoted for Sunday at the police station of Apahida for explanations regarding the message ec laughs on the website.

"I was quoted with my French friend Alexandre Lacaille for Sunday at the Apahida police station for explaining the written message. The cops suggested deleting the message. "

According to police officers in Cluj, the actions of the police had a preventive purpose", as the act could fall into the category of offenses provided by Law 61/1991 on the punishment of the facts of violation of certain standards of social coexistence, order and public peace. "

" The telephone conversation between the police officer and those who wrote the message on the hill was a principle to be aware that their action could have legal consequences. People were invited to the police headquarters to clarify all aspects related to the realization of this message and its dissemination in the public space, "said Sorin Bobis on January 10 in Cluj-Napoca. in protest against the amendments to the laws of justice, launched on 21 June a non-stop demonstration in Union Square in the city, where 11 tents were installed

"We presented the largest banner in the world, s extends on two acres, on a hill about 40 kilometers from Cluj-Napoca, halfway to Reghin, between Zorenii de Vale and Camarasu. A message is written on a private property, a stem belonging to my friend Alexandre Lacaille, which we made together on Thursday. A letter is 60 meters, I made a tractor with a machine called a farmer, who is like a harrow. We took the message of Romanians coming from abroad to the PSD and we tried to do it on a larger scale. It can be seen from the plane by those who land in Cluj-Napoca or Târgu-Mureş, "said Bobis Saturday in reference to the message in question on the ground

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