VIDEO The complete movie of Boboc's accident. Unit management explains how Corporal Robert Comăneşti died


Hours after the fatal accident occurred a few meters from the portal of the unit and in which one student had lost their lives and three others injured, the direction of the Military Military School and Traian Vuia 's non – commissioned officers "issued a press release.

According to him, the road accident occurred on Wednesday, July 11, at around 8 pm, near L & # 39; Military School of Army and Naval Officers .

The four students were back aboard a personal car.On the road to access the. army, after crossing the railway, about 400 meters from the bridge, in a curve to the left, the driver lost control of the car and collided with a tree on the road.

After the 39, impact, all the occupants of the car were injured, the worst being the army at the wheel.

The staff of the "Unit urgently requested, through the 112 service, the intervention of the UPU SMURD Buzău teams, who granted first aid to the victims

Unfortunately, despite all efforts made by the medical teams arrived at the scene, Corporal III Comanesci V. Robert George, the driver of the car, could not be saved

One of the other three troops, with multiple trauma, was taken in a steady state by a SMURD helicopter and transported to the Central Military Hospital of Bucharest

The other two militants, injured more easily, were caught in charged by ambulances and taken to the emergency hospital of Buzau canton, where they are interned in a stable state, being out of danger

The Ploiesti military prosecutor's office attached to the military court of Bucharest, institution that ordered that the & # 39; on-site investigation be carried out by the Buzau Traffic Police

The commander of the Military School of Military and Non-Military Air Force Ministries appointed a unit-level commission to determine the circumstances of the occurrence

Corporal V. Robert George, 33 years old, was taking the NCO line-up training course since 4.09.2017. He was employed by MApN since 2009. He was single and did not have any children

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