Violence in France after a 22-year-old man was injured during a check



  Violent France
<! – Violent France ->

A 22-year-old man died Tuesday night in the French city of Nantes after being shot by a police officer during a routine check.

The incident occurred around 8:30 pm (18:30 GMT) when checking a vehicle whose police allegedly had been involved in a series of

According to the chief of the regional police, Jean- Christophe Bertrand, "the driver, claiming that he was out of the car, hit a police officer", who easily injured his knees . "One of his colleagues opened fire on the young man and he sadly died he added.

According to police sources, the young man was struck in the carotid artery and died on arrival at the hospital

Thus, an investigation was opened to establish the circumstances in which the policeman used the service weapon, according to the Nantes prosecutor Pierre Sennes


Roma The aggressor was covered with a mask

Urban violence caused death in several neighborhoods of the city, with young people armed with Molotov cocktails: many vehicles were burned and a shopping center

"I saw that it was burning everywhere: they were burning in garbage cans and cars. They were about to break everything. Everything lasted a long time ", said a local.

" My first thoughts are this young man, his family, all the inhabitants of this neighborhood, the inhabitants of our neighborhoods. In its independence, it will be necessary to clarify in the utmost transparency what has happened tonight, but the urgency of this evening is the call for calm in our neighborhoods ", declared Johanna Rolland, Mayor of Nantes.

Situation seems to have calmed down shortly before 3:00 in the three neighborhoods affected by violence. No arrests have been made, according to a police source. Nearly 200 police departments were mobilized

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  Violente France
<! – Violent France ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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