Virus that can attack your PC in many ways


A new type of malware is different from the other viruses that have occurred up to here because it makes decisions about how to affect you, depending on what it finds on your computer [19659002] Computer viruses are constantly changing, to cope with new cyber-threats, some more dangerous than others. Trojan Rakhni is one of the viruses you should be careful about, because you do not know exactly how it wants to attack you

Kaspersky Lab researchers claim that malware has the ability to choose the attack mode: a computer program on the computer of a victim, or install an application to monetize virtual parts. The virus has been reported mainly in Russia, with emergencies in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany and India. More than 8,000 people have become victims of this family of malware only in 2017.

The Rakhni virus is transmitted via junk mail, where you can find infected executable attachments. If you make the mistake of launching the file, the trojan opens and decides how to infect your computer.

When it detects the existence of a Bitcoin wallet on the computer, it acts as a ransomware and encrypts the contents of the hard disk, hoping that a user will pay for recover his files.

If there is no Bitcoin wallet on the computer, Rakhni reorients himself and turns into a minor virtual typing. This will dramatically affect the performance of your computer, and the virus will look to be published on powerful PCs.

If the Trojan can not do either, use the infected computer to reach other computers on the local network. If in the case of a home computer, it would not be a big problem, if an infected PC in a business can have big problems.

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