Vladimir Drăghia married Alice Cavalera! As the event showed


A great day for Vladimir Drăghia, who has passed today, to be a lover of a husband! Her actor and life partner, Alice Cavaleru, united their destinies in a romantic and unpopular setting on a private beach owned by their friends. The two men were able to enjoy the breeze and waves of the sea, which, along with their friends and family, witnessed the oaths that the new husbands gave themselves on this special day

. the wedding was not organized in a traditional way, not respecting the specific customs of such an event. Instead, the two wives focused on the good mood of those around them and on the eternal love they swore to God.

"We have set ourselves not to make the organization of this chore event and until now has come out. It goes down naturally. Alice fell in love at first sight at the ring of the second dress. The gift will not be shouted, no snack will be served, no bride will be stolen. We will only call close friends and family. We will meet to be together, to celebrate the event, not both of us, "said Vladimir, some time ago.

Although they decided to organize an unusual wedding that does not necessarily follow the native traditions, the habit of the bride dressed in a white dress has been preserved.Alice Cavaleru has dressed a musky, specially chosen for this simplistic seaside setting. "Vladimir Drăghia also chose a light shirt, wearing blue pants and a white shirt.On the event was, of course, the little Zora, the little girl.After the wedding, Vladimir Drăghia and Alice Cavaleru will spend their honeymoon in Morocco.

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